Sunday, March 22, 2009

I love Science :)

I’ve been enjoying my research lab lately; slowly I’m assimilating the knowledge that I need. Freshman year I joined Dr. Bevan’s research group and I was utterly useless, banging my head against the walls of science, trying to draw blood from stone as they say. Seriously, dock the ligand? A protein? I had no clue what that meant.

Sophomore year introduced me to organic chemistry and I noticed carbon chains and hydrogen bonding, and little pieces began to fall into place. I began to come to terms with the infinite void that is science, finally began to look into it without loosing my mind.

Junior year comes the birth of my true eyes, endowed with a dose of biochemistry, and finally I start to transmute the darkness of the void into rich minable ore. Now… If I could only figure out how to prospect knowledge from it, I’d be set!

My latest data are promising, and hopefully I can figure out how to decipher them to get actual, useable information. The culmination of 3 years of research is focusing on this one point! If you really think about it, everything we do, everything we have ever done in, leads up to this one point in life. Laughter ensues simply because these “points” also include sitting on the toilet or those times when you trip on nothing and hoping no one sees ;)

“One of the beautiful things about science is that it allows us to bumble along, getting it wrong time after time, and feel perfectly fine as long as we learn something each time.” – Martin A. Schwartz

Test test presentation test! Oh what a week this well be!

<3 Sahil


  1. I like the note about why there is laughter <3

  2. sahil, you write so well!
    keep at it and good luck this week =]
